Creative & digital

The creative and digital sector includes industries such as TV, film, computer games, programming, performing arts, visual arts and advertising.  

Woman filming
Creative & digital sector

Facts & figures

The creative & digital sector includes performing arts, visual arts, software creation and development and advertising. The creative industries sector contributed £109bn to the UK economy in 2021. The UK was the fifth largest exporter of creative services in 2020 

Average wage per annum
Careers in creative & digital sector

Career progression

There are a wide range of entry level jobs across the creative & digital sector these include: 


Learn more about career 'levels' in our FAQs.

Top skills requested by employers

Skills for creative & digital jobs can be split between ‘general’ skills and ‘specialist’ skill. General are transferrable between sectors and sought by most employers, whilst specialist skills are more focused on the sector.

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General skills




Problem Solving


Specialist skills

Agile Methodology


Software Engineering

Programming Languages: JavaScript, SQL, Python, C#

Green jobs

Creative & digital green jobs

Many Creative and Digital companies are working to become more sustainable and develop more sustainable products. There are green elements featured in many roles, including: 

A woman in a white vest smiles off camera. She is working on a large computer with design on the screen
LMI & resources

Labour market information

All teachers, students and parents should have access to high-quality information about future study options and labour market opportunities both nationally and locally.

To access a downloadable copy of the data featured on this page please see link below.

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A group of young woman wearing white on a catwalk
Image credit: White Stuff