B&NES Connecting Families team

We work with families who have multiple or complex needs and require intensive interventions to help them achieve positive outcomes for themselves.

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When we talk about ‘complex issues’ or ‘multiple needs’ we are usually referring to someone who has two or more needs affecting their physical, mental, social or financial wellbeing. These needs typically interact with and exacerbate one another which can cause several problems at the same time.

These needs can include:

  • Not engaging with school, exclusion or low school attendance
  • Young parents and children under 5 years old who need support
  • Mental or physical health conditions that are long-standing or memory loss caused by medication or illness
  • Drug or alcohol dependency
  • Children and young people at risk of abuse and neglect
  • SEND or learning difficulties
  • Reading and writing difficulties (or English not being a first language)
  • Crime or anti-social behaviour
  • Domestic violence or family conflict
  • Crime or anti-social behaviour
  • Financial issues or long-standing debt
  • Housing issues (unsuitable, overcrowding or at risk of eviction)

See website for full eligibility details.

  • Cost: Free
  • Eligibility: Resident of Bath and North East Somerset
  • Ages: All Ages

Contact details

Get in touch for help


01225 39 69 31