We use the developer’s Section 106 financial contributions to create employment and training opportunities for people looking at careers in the construction sector.
What are our aims?
- To work with and support developers.
- To increase employment and training opportunities in B&NES.
- Promote the use of the local supply chain, local construction trade contractors, recruitment agencies and training providers.
- Drive diversity and inclusion in B&NES construction and industry sector.
- Promote sustainable jobs and careers in the construction industry.
What we offer?
Working in collaboration with local construction companies we offer work experience placements, apprenticeships and jobs for local people. Roles could include trades such as brickwork & groundwork or admin, accounts, HR & project management. Placements can be as little as 1 or 2 days to blocks of 2 or 3 weeks.
Open to All local residents – whether they are already employed and looking for a change of career, unemployed, parents returning to work or 50+
Vacancies will come up through-out the year and will be advertised, as and when they become live.
To find out more about this project and about our current vacancies please contact Sandy Corke at sandy_corke@bathnes.gov.uk or call 01225 394315.
Contact details
Get in touch for help
01225 394315