For a range of reasons, health and social care settings have demanding stakeholders. This can be patients, patient families, charities and external agencies to name a few. This requires skills which can resolve the needs of these stakeholders in an efficient, sustainable and high-quality way. This course is designed to encourage learners to reflect on this whilst arming them with key knowledge around teamwork, communication and client needs within a health and social care context. We would recommend this course to learners who are interested in working as receptionists, advisors, and administrators, as well as charity volunteers.
Study for the course takes place in an online virtual learning environment (VLE) where you can study at any time and at your own pace. We ask that learners complete their courses within the given timeframe and that as a broad average most courses can take approximately 6-8 hours per week to complete. However, timeframes are flexible on a person-by-person basis should any learners require reasonable adjustments to their study plans.
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