Skills Bootcamp in BIM and AutoCAD – Bath College

Targeted learners are those looking to change careers or upskill in their current employment. We have also identified several employers with vacancies in the region that require BIM assistants and are collaborating to support those looking for a new career.

Digital/IT & Tech skills

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Bath and North East Somerset
Learners will set specific goals with their tutor and the Learning Outcomes Coordinator; this will be reflected upon at the end of each session and reviewed in week 6 and week 12. Upon completing the course, learners will be prepared to either enter employment or start their own business.
Participants will learn sector-specific employability skills from the tutor with guest speakers featured throughout the Skills Bootcamp. This will include Cool Ventures sharing how to become self-employed with their new skills and Future Bright offering support to those in employment.
  • Cost: Free
  • Eligibility: Not have completed a Skills Bootcamp funded by the DFE in the last 12 months
  • Ages: 19+


Where it’s held

Somer Valley Campus,

Bath College,

Wells Road,




Contact details

Get in touch for help


01225 312191