Understanding Excellence in Customer Service for Hospitality Certificate L2

Online distance learning course in customer service in hospitality

Hospitality & Tourism

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Providing a top-notch customer experience lies at the heart of the hospitality industry. In all areas from hotels to restaurants, from museums to sports stadia there is a wide range of contexts where customer service skills are essential. This course is designed to introduce learners to concepts such as teamwork, communication, legislation and professional standards in providing high quality hospitality. We would recommend this course to any learners who are interested in working in restaurants, hotels, and events management.

Study for the course takes place in an online virtual learning environment (VLE) where you can study at any time and at your own pace. We ask that learners complete their courses within the given timeframe and that as a broad average most courses can take approximately 6-8 hours per week to complete. However, timeframes are flexible on a person-by-person basis should any learners require reasonable adjustments to their study plans.

Topics Covered:
– Introduction to customer service principles
– Effective teamwork in hospitality
– Legislation and guidance in hospitality
– Understanding professional personal hospitality standards

  • Cost: Free
  • Ages: 19+

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