Mayoral Priorities
Metro Mayor Dan Norris leads the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority.
A key focus for the Mayor is to ensure local people can find work and training opportunities to succeed – that’s where Skills Connect comes in.

Mayoral Priorities
Message from the Metro Mayor
Welcome to Skills Connect.
As a “jobs first” Mayor, I want to ensure more people like you can get the skills you need to get on. For me the most important focus is on people who want to get on, in the areas our region needs more workers. That means a focus on sectors like bus drivers where there is a severe shortage causing big challenges for our region. It’s a vital job getting people to school, work or a doctors appointment. In fact - bus drivers are real community heroes.
I’m also passionate about upskilling. Some of the new skills courses I’m proud to have brought in target people who want to gain better skills in a professional like welding as an electrician or a retrofitter, so they can go on to get better paid jobs in those sectors. I also want to encourage employers to join my West of England Good Employment Charter and to work in partnership with our trade union partners.
So - get curious, discover your options, and find some advice to help change the future of your career for the better.

As a Jobs First Mayor I’m proud that the West of England Mayoral Combined Authority is investing £60 million so more people of all ages can upskill, progress in work and find new opportunities.”
Key achievements
As Metro Mayor, Dan Norris has introduced several employment and skills programmes. These have responded directly and quickly to emerging issues in the region, such as bus and HGV driver shortages.
Deliver the goods: HGV driving
In our region there are plenty of opportunities to become a HGV driver, with support available to help you train and find a role.
By delivering life’s essentials such as food, medicines, clothing and fuel, amongst other products, it's an important role and helps local communities throughout the region and across the UK.
Explore the benefits of the job and find out more about becoming a HGV driver.
Become a bus driver
Could you be a bus driver?
There are hundreds of opportunities to drive buses and coaches across Bristol, Bath, North East Somerset, and South Gloucestershire.
Join more and more different people switching to a rewarding career that makes a massive difference to the lives of people in our communities and plays a huge part in meeting our net zero targets.
Learn more about the benefits, perks and opportunities to become a bus driver.
Apprenticeships: Share to support
Are you a large employer with unspent apprenticeship levy?
You can stop the money being lost from the region by pledging your unspent levy to a local small business, helping to create jobs and support progression in work.
Find out more about share to support.
Future Bright: Free career coaching
Future Bright could offer you a personal career coach to help you develop and achieve your goals.
Whether you want to progress and increase your salary, boost your confidence, change career or even just improve your mindset, having someone in your corner to offer support and guidance can make a huge difference.
Future Bright is completely free, impartial and tailored towards you.
Find out more about Future Bright.
Redundancy support
Being at risk of, or being made redundant, can be an extremely stressful and worrying time, however it can also present exciting new opportunities. We can help you navigate support and identify new opportunities.

Green skills
With over 45,000 green jobs needed to help us meet our net zero ambitions, more people will need to make a shift by training within their existing career or switching to an exciting new green career.

Explore our resources
- Browse all categories
Discover apprenticeship opportunities and support options for both individuals and businesses.
Career Guidance
Explore a variety of options to help you on your career journey and get you where you want to be.
Disability & Other Support Needs
If you have a disability and/or learning support needs, you may have more complex challenges when navigating work. Browse specialised support options such as help finding work, accessing mentoring and developing skills.
Getting into Work
If you are not in work or looking to re-enter the workplace, find support options to help you get job ready. Whether it's information and guidance for your job search or more practical help such as CV writing.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Search a range of dedicated resources to support your meatal health and wellbeing. A wellbeing issue could also be a result of circumstance, such as being homeless, a victim of domestic abuse, or ex-offenders who are resettling.
Training & Upskilling
Browse a range of courses to help you gain extra knowledge and experience to improve your professional life.
Take a look at some of the volunteering options available locally and find links to information, support and guidance for anyone thinking of starting a volunteering role.